Nominations sought for community representatives on the County Kildare Heritage Forum
The role of the Heritage Forum is to provide advice on the drafting and implementation of the County Kildare Heritage Plan. The County Kildare Heritage Plan is a cross-agency county strategy for the identification, protection, conservation, management, enhancement and interpretation of the heritage.
Heritage is defined in the Heritage Act as addressing: ‘monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, heritage gardens, and parks and inland waterways.
The current Heritage Plan contains actions which address issues in Kildare regarding these aspects of the county’s heritage. It consists of a series of actions to be carried out through-out the life time of the plan.
The County Kildare Heritage Forum comprises of representatives from bodies and groups involved with heritage in some way within the county. This will include state agencies and bodies which have direct representation within the county, the local authority, NGOs and community groups.
Kildare PPN has been requested to nominate 1 member from the Community/Voluntary Pillar and 1 member from the Environmental Pillar to the County Kildare Heritage Forum.