Vision for Community Wellbeing

The Vision for Community Wellbeing for this and Future Generations identifies the key issues that member groups in Kildare consider to be important to their communities and to be “The best that it can be for this and future generations”
It was developed through an open, participative, transparent process which involves all member groups. It is a key directive from the Department of Rural & Community Development.
“This vision statement should be used as a framework for engagement with PPNs in order to support the development of the High-Level Goals and Sustainable Objectives for the LECP. In addition, LECP Implementation Plans should have regard to PPN wellbeing statements to ensure consistency with the vision outlined in these statements.”
Ministers Humphreys and O’Brien launch ‘Local Economic and Community Plans Guidelines 2021’ (
The data informs:
- PPN representatives on Boards and Committees
- Linkage Groups – e.g. to work up policy positions
- Secretariat – e.g. to propose workplan priorities
- PPN Coordinators & Staff – e.g. to respond to consultations & submissions
- The Local Economic Community Plan
This data is publicly available for any party wishing to access it eg: Local Authorities, HSE or ETBs
Consultation Process
These visions provide the high-level findings from a comprehensive consultation process undertaken by Kildare PPN. This process was conducted between July and September 2023. An in-person consultation was held in each of the five Municipal Districts (MD) in Kildare, followed by an online survey which was circulated to ensure maximum participation. In total ninety-four groups participated which generated over eighty pages of detailed data.
The outcome of this is the formation of five Municipal District Wellbeing Visions, along with detailed data which is now available below.

Community Wellbeing Vision for County Kildare
Municipal District Visions for Community Wellbeing
What impact will the Visions for Community Wellbeing have?
The Vision for Community Wellbeing will give Kildare PPN a unique understanding of what matters within their community and what they are striving to see achieved. In this way, it will inform the work of Kildare PPN. In particular, PPN representatives and Linkage Groups will use the documents as a basis for their work to influence policy.
In addition, the PPN’s Vision for Community Wellbeing will be communicated to the local authority and other agencies that the PPN identify as having a role in the community, to inform them of what the community wants to achieve for wellbeing in their area. In this way, the PPN will seek policies and plans from these agencies that will support wellbeing in the community.