What is the Kildare Public Participation Network?
Kildare PPN was established to allow communities within County Kildare to have greater involvement with the Local Authority and to give the community a greater voice and influence on issues and policies of interest to them.
Public Participation Networks (PPN’s) were set up following the enactment of the Local Government Act 2014 to act as an inclusive and independent structure that facilitates public consultation and public participation in policy and decision making.
The PPN provides the structure to facilitate the two way flow of information between the Local Authority and the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Kildare. The PPN facilities this through electing PPN representatives to sit on various committees within Kildare Council to have their impact.
Aims & Objectives
To provide an open, inclusive and transparent representative structure for all community and voluntary, environmental and social inclusion groups in Kildare.
To support the member groups of Kildare Public Participation Network so that they can:
- Develop their capacity to do their work more effectively.
- Participate effectively in PPN activities.
- Be included and have their voices and concerns are heard.
To support and encourage a process that will feed a broad range of ideas, experience, suggestions and proposals from PPN member groups into policies and plans being developed by agencies and decision makers at all levels.
To facilitate and support the representation of the Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental sectors on the Local Community Development Committee, the Strategic
Policy Committees, the Joint Policing Committee, other local government and local development bodies and any local, regional, national or international body deemed appropriate
by the Kildare PPN.
To contribute to the development and achievement of a vision for the well-being of this and future generations.
To promote Kildare Public Participation Network and its aims and objectives.
To develop and promote the Public Participation Network so that the work of the PPN is clearly recognised, acknowledged and understood by local decision-making bodies including Kildare County Council, ensuring the PPN has a strong community voice.
The Plenary
The Plenary, which is comprised of all the independent member groups of the PPN, meet once a year to review the workings of the PPN and set the agenda for the approaching period. The Plenary is the key decision maker of the PPN. Their role is to direct the operation of the PPN, setting overall PPN policy and processes. Each independent member group have one vote in the Plenary.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat is group of PPN members that are elected by the member groups of the Kildare PPN. Their role is to
- co-ordinate the activities of Kildare PPN
- ensure the efficient implementation of the Kildare PPN decisions
- ensure the proper functioning of the PPN between Plenaries
- communicate regularly with PPN members and in this process share information concerning all PPN activities as widely as possible.
To view the Kildare PPN Secretariat click here.
PPN Representatives
The PPN provides the structure to facilitate the two way flow of information between the Local Authority and the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Kildare. The PPN facilities this through electing PPN representatives to sit on various committees within Kildare County Council to have their impact and facilitate the two way flow of information between the Local Authority and the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Kildare.
A PPN Representative is elected for a fixed term to represent the PPN on a specific Board or Committee including the following:
- Local Community Development Committee
- Strategic Policy Committees
- Joint Policing Committee
- Kildare Heritage Forum
They are elected onto a Committee my members of the PPN. A PPN Representative does not just represent the group they are a member of, they represent the PPN as a whole and are guided by a linkage group.
To view Kildare PPN Representatives, click here.
Linkage Groups
Linkage groups are the way that member organisations can have a real input into policy in Kildare. Linkage groups bring together stakeholder organisations or special interest groups with a common interest to discuss their views and interests in a specific area.
Their role is to act as a reference pint for Kildare PPN representatives in the thematic areas and facilitate communication between the Kildare PPN representatives and membership.
Kildare PPN Staff
The Kildare PPN coordinator is Grainne Fleming. Her role is to support the work of the Secretariat to develop the PPN in Kildare as an effective structure to promote public engagement and participation via the environmental, social inclusion and community & voluntary sectors in accordance with the relevant guidelines.
Administration and Communications Officer
The Kildare PPN Support Worker is Grace Clarke. Her role is to support the network by managing communications and handling administrative tasks to enhance community engagement and participation.