Nominations Open
Kildare PPN are now seeking nominations from our member groups for the following seats:
x1 Social Inclusion Seat on the Local Community & Cultural Strategic Policy Committee
x1 Community and Voluntary Seat on the County Kildare Joint Policing Committee
What is the Local Community and Cultural Strategic Policy Committee?
The Local Community and Cultural Strategic Policy Committee assist Kildare County Council in formulating, developing, monitoring and reviewing policies. Areas of responsibility for the Local Community and Cultural SPC include:
- Preparation and oversight of the community elements of the Local Economic and Community Plan.
- Civic leadership issues, with reference to Section 63 of Local Government Act 2001(as amended).
- Policy in relation to support for community-based organisations and community development.
- Policy in relation to interaction with national tidy town/pride of place groups and initiatives.
- Access to and promotion of sport and other-leisure activities and facilities.
- Access to and promotion of library services and the Arts.
- Council’s responsibilities with regard to youth affairs and services to young people.
- Council’s responsibilities with regard to age friendly county programme.
- Linkages with other policy committees.
What is the purpose of a PPN Representative on the Local Community and Cultural SPC?
- To represent the voice of the community and voluntary sector in County Kildare on the SPC
- To bring forward the issues of the PPN to the SPC for their consideration, including putting items on the agenda
- To share information from SPC committee meetings with the members of Kildare PPN and communicate regularly with the Kildare PPN on matters of relevance to them
What is the commitment for the position?
- Attend 4 SPC meetings per year
- Attend Induction Training
- Attend PPN Linkage group meetings as required
What skills are needed for the position?
- Good communication skills
- Experience of working with local communities, voluntarily or professionally
What is the length of term?
The length of term for a PPN Representative is 3 years, with an option for running for a second term.
Scheduled Local Community & Cultural SPC Meetings 2020
View the Strategic Policy Scheme 2019-2024
What is the Joint Policing Committee?
The Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) provide a dedicated forum to support consultation, cooperation and synergy on policing and crime issues between An Garda Síochána, Local Authority officials, elected representatives and the community and voluntary sectors. A JPC operates in each of the County Council areas.
What is the purpose of a PPN representative on the JPC?
- To represent the voice of the community and voluntary sector in County Kildare on the Joint Policing Committee
- To bring forward the issues of the PPN to the JPC for their consideration, including putting items on the agenda
- To share information from JPC meetings with the members of Kildare PPN and communicate regularly with the Kildare PPN on matters of relevance to them
What is the commitment for the position?
- Attend 4 Joint Policing Committee meetings per year
- Attend Induction Training with the PPN
- Attend PPN Linkage group meetings as required
What skills do representatives need for the JPC?
- Good communication skills
- Awareness of issues relating to community safety and policing in Kildare
- Experience of working with local communities, voluntarily or professionally
What is the length of Term?
The length of term for a PPN Representative is 3 years, with an option for running for a second term.
Scheduled JPC Meetings for 2020
2nd of March 2020 – 3:00pm – Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
8th of June 2020 – 3:00pm – Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
7th of September 2020 – 3:00pm – Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
7th of December 2020 – Annual Public Meeting (venue TBC)
Guidelines for Nominations
- Nominating groups must be registered with Kildare Public Participation Network
- Groups must have full membership and represent one of the following colleges:-
- Community & Voluntary, Environment or Social Inclusion
- Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval
- Each Group can nominate one candidate only. If groups nominate more than one candidate, the first nomination received will be accepted
- Elections will take place through online voting
- Nominations must have no political affiliations
- Please attach a short candidate profile (approximately 150 words) along with your nomination form (written in the first person)
- Nomination Forms must be received by Kildare PPN on or before the 26th of February 2020
Where to get the Nomination Forms?
Nomination forms have been sent to the contact person of each PPN member organisation in the Social Inclusion and Community and Voluntary Pillars.
Where to send them?
Completed nomination forms should be sent by post to:
Kildare PPN, Level 7, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare
by e-mail to Kildareppn@gmail.com
Closing date for nominations is Wednesday the 26th of February 2020
If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact us by e-mail at kildareppn@gmail.com or admin@kildareppn.ie or by phone on 045-980700.