Kildare Social Inclusion Week 2020
Kildare Social Inclusion Week 2020
Creativity, Conversations and Celebrations
County Kildare Social Inclusion Week 2020 will take place between Monday the 28th of September to Friday the 2nd of October. This year, due to Covid-19, Social Inclusion Week will take place online.
During this week we will be featuring a number of webinars throughout the week around the theme of Social Inclusion.
If your group would be interested is hosting a webinar during Social Inclusion Week, please fill out the expression of interest form here.
We are also looking for groups to make and send us in a short video clip on the theme of ‘Creativity, Conversations and Celebrations’. Maybe your group figured out new ways of connecting with one another through video software during Covid-19, maybe your group found great new ways of being creative during lockdown. Maybe you want celebrate some of your group’s recent work or achievements.
Kildare PPN are offering a grant of up to €400 for each group/organisation (depending on the number of groups that apply, you may not receive the full amount that you apply for) to help them to make their video clip. The grant can be used for materials/equipment needed to make the short clip including refreshments for the group during filming.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the attached expression of interest form here.
Sample Video Clip ideas:
- Creativity – Has your group been creative during lock-down? Show us any new activities your group has taken up due to Covid-19
- Conversations – Short interviews with members about their experience during Covid-19
- Celebrations – Show us around your premises and introduce some of your groups members/service users and celebrate the great work your group does.
- The video should be a minimum of 1 minute long and a maximum of 4 minutes and must be suitable viewing for all audiences.
- Videos should be sent as one file and in the highest quality. If the file is too big to send through email it can be sent as a Google Drive/Dropbox link.
- The video must be sent to admin@kildareppn.ie before Monday the 21st of September.
- The grant will only be paid to groups on receipt of the video clip and receipts.
Please note:
The clips received will be screened online during Social Inclusion Week and will be displayed across our social media platforms. Please do not include anyone in your video clip unless you have their permission to do so.
Please adhere to the Governments public health guidelines at all times.