Information Session on Sustainable Energy Communities in Kildare Webinar

Your PPN group is invited to attend an webinar on Sustainable Energy Communities in Kildare which will be held on May 27 at 7:00pm.
The purpose of the 40 minute information session is to introduce your group to the sustainable energy communities network & to see what benefits & supports they can bring to your group & its members.
The event will be facilitated by Emer Conway who is the SEAI Community Energy Mentor in Kildare.
This program aims to drive energy efficiency & smart energy use nationwide & is a key component of the Kildare County Council Climate Change Adaption Strategy 2019-2024.
Come along to hear more about this exciting new initiative in Kildare & change the way your community thinks about energy.
The Webinar will take place on Wednesday May 27th at 7:00pm on Zoom.
Registration for the webinar closes at 7:00pm on Tuesday May 26th.
Please note: As the webinar takes place on Zoom, you must download Zoom to participate.