HSE #HoldFirm Campaign
12 May 2020

HSE #HoldFirm Campaign

For the last number of weeks and months, everyone in Ireland has taken steps to flatten the curve, to protect our health service and save lives. These actions have reduced the impact of COVID-19 on the country and our health service. Now we need to motivate and inspire people to keep going with those actions that help us to stay safe and protect each other.

Staying away from the people we love and the things we enjoy is not easy. It’s not us. But, this is us – taking care of each other, supporting our colleagues on the frontline and essential services, and the people most at risk in communities all across the country.

Watch and share the #HoldFirm ad.

The rainbow has become a symbol of hope around the world – a symbol of support for frontline workers and a symbol of hope for the future. We want to paint Ireland with rainbows over the next few weeks to lift our spirits and show our support for everyone who is protecting the health service and the people in our care.

Share your rainbows on social media with #HoldFirm and tag @HSELive if you wish



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