Community Enhancement Programme 2021
€4.5 million in funding announced to improve community facilities under the Community Enhancement Programme with €148,013 allocated for Kildare.
The 2021 Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) will provide small grants designed to assist in the re-opening of facilities such as community centres, men’s and women’s sheds, parish halls and youth centres.
The grants will range from a few hundred euro up to €10,000, however, exceptions will be made depending on the application.
The funding is to help groups and clubs get back on their feet and may be used to carry out necessary renovations and repairs or to purchase equipment such as tables and chairs, tools and signage, laptops and printers, lawnmowers, canopies, training equipment and so on.
The Community Enhancement Programme, which to date has supported over 8,000 projects, places a focus on supporting groups in disadvantaged areas.
The key theme of this year’s programme is supporting groups as they re-open facilities which have been closed due to Covid-19.
As the grants are relatively small, this programme may appeal to groups that are not eligible for the €10 million COVID Stability Fund, which was launched last week.
This funding is administered by the LCDC and details of the applications will be available shortly.