Nominations will open in February for the below PPN Representative seats on the Kildare County Council Strategic Policy Committees
Available Community and Voluntary Seats on the KCC Strategic Policy Committees:
Community and Voluntary Seat
Environment & Water Services SPC
What is the role of a PPN Representative on a Strategic Policy Committee?
As a PPN Representative, you will act as a bridge between Kildare PPN and the committee you are a member of, representing the voice of PPN member groups. Your role is crucial in ensuring that community interests and perspectives are effectively communicated to the committee/Kildare County Council. Here’s what being a PPN Representative entails:
- Represent the interests and concerns of your community in various local government forums.
- Ensure that diverse community voices are heard and considered in decision-making processes.
- Regularly update the PPN through uploading Representative reports on the Kildare PPN website to ensure that information is available for all PPN members and PPN Representatives.
- Facilitate two-way communication between the community and Kildare County Council.
- Actively participate in meetings and consultations including Kildare PPN Representative Network meetings and relevant Linkage/Thematic group meetings.
- Work collaboratively with other PPN Representatives, PPN member groups, and Kildare County Council
What is the commitment?
The role of the Representative is a rewarding one, but requires you to make a time commitment to fulfil the mandatory duties of the role including:
- 4 Strategic Policy Committee Meetings a year (Daytime meetings)
- Meetings with PPN Linkage Group/Thematic as required (Evenings)
- Quarterly Meetings with Representative Network (Evening/Daytime meetings)
- Completing and uploading Representative Reports after SPC meetings.
- Induction Training
Remit of the Strategic Policy Committees
Environmental and Water Services SPC
The role of a Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) is to develop, monitor and respond to Strategic Policy within a thematic area of work of the Council. The membership of an SPC is made up of Councillors, PPN Representatives and Sectorial Interests (i.e. Chamber of Commerce, etc.).
The areas of responsibility for the Environment & Water Services SPC include:
Environmental Service
- Waste Management
- Review of Litter Management Plan
- Cemeteries
- Horse and Dog Control and related bye-laws
- Derelict Sites
- Environmental Awareness
- Air Quality
- River Basin Management
- Assessment of related local, regional, national and EU policies.
- Linkages with other policy committees
Water Services
- Rural water
- Private water supplies
- Catchment related flooding
- Linkages with other policy committees
If you are interested in putting your name forward, nominations will open in Febraury.
Nomination Guidelines
Guidelines for Nominations
- Nominating groups must be registered with Kildare Public Participation Network for a least 6 months.
- Groups must have full membership and be a member of the respective seat e.g. nominations for an Environmental seat must be a PPN member group from the Environmental Pillar.
- Nominations can only be made with the candidate’s knowledge and approval.
- Each Group can nominate one candidate only per seat. If groups nominate more than one candidate, the first nomination received will be accepted.
- If we receive more nominations than seats available, elections will take place through online voting.
- Elected representatives of any level of Government (Local, National or European or candidates who have stood for election within the past 12 months cannot be nominated through this process.
- Candidates are requested to submit a short profile (written in the first person) to accompany their nomination form (no more than 150 words, showing relevant experience) These profiles will be made public for the purpose of elections.
We are an equal opportunities organisation and encourage diversity in our Representation.
Are you interested in a Representative position with Kildare PPN?
This quick introductory video provides an overview of the role of a PPN Representative and will guide you through what it means to serve on Strategic Policy Committees.